The National Archives is committed to providing a quality service to various categories of users, ranging from scholars, researchers and government's records managers, to geneologists, journalists, documentalists, teachers and students.
This service is available to all members of the public, through visits to the Search Room or through remote access. The service aims to make the nation's historical records easily accessible to users. Our knowledgeable reference staff are on hand to meet the research needs of users courteously, accurately and efficiently via email, fax, telephone, or through visits to our Search Room.
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The National Archives of Trinidad and Tobago proactively engages with communities:
Thematic exhibitions, talks and tours are facilitated, as well as participation in career fairs. An annual Archives Awareness Week is held in November to highlight the institution and its records, and encourage dialogue on various aspects of our history and documentary heritage. Publications, such as brochures and virtual exhibitions are also produced to give focus to its diverse collection.
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Records Management
The National Archives provides records management training and advisory services to Government ministries and agencies, including the provision of guidelines on the preparation of Retention and Disposition Schedules for records. The Government Archivist is the only officer who can authorize the destruction of Government records.
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The National Archives is equipped with a fully functional conservation lab where restoration and preservation services, including disaster recovery, are offered to government institutions. Due to the heavy demand, this service is offered on a limited basis.
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