A reference service is available to members of the public, through visits to the Search Room or through remote access. The service aims to make the nation's historical records easily accessible to users. Our knowledgeable reference staff are on hand to meet the research needs of users courteously, accurately and efficiently via email, fax, telephone, or through visits to our Search Room.
On-site access
Users may consult archival records, or our small Reference Library, in accordance with Search Room guidelines. Loans are strictly prohibited as the records held at the National Archives are original records that constitute the nation's documentary heritage. Reference staff are available to guide individuals on how to use archival records, how to access records relevant to their research, and how to use and handle records such as documents, maps, photographs and microfilm.
Remote access
A reference service is available to overseas clients who require information from our collection but are unable to visit the archives. This service is limited to preliminary research. For more in-depth research the National Archives can supply users with a list of professional researchers who work on a fee basis. Please note that these individuals are in no way associated with the institution and any contractual arrangements arrived at will be the responsibility of the user and the service provider. Online users may begin their research by searching our collection and consulting our finding aids.